
2020年10月13日—Here'swhattheendofsupportmeansforyou:You'llnolongerreceiveOffice2016forMacsoftwareupdatesfromMicrosoftUpdate.You'llno ...,2015年3月5日—Everynewpreviewbuildwillexpireroughly60daysafterit'spostedandthefinalpreviewbuildwillcontinuetofunctionforroughlyamonth ...,2015年3月5日—You'llwanttokeepontopofupdatesfortheapps,aseachpreviewbuildwillexpire60daysafterithasbeenposted.AnincludedOff...

End of support for Office 2016 for Mac

2020年10月13日 — Here's what the end of support means for you: You'll no longer receive Office 2016 for Mac software updates from Microsoft Update. You'll no ...

Microsoft delivers first public preview of Office 2016 for Mac

2015年3月5日 — Every new preview build will expire roughly 60 days after it's posted and the final preview build will continue to function for roughly a month ...

Microsoft Office 2016 Preview Available for Mac as Free ...

2015年3月5日 — You'll want to keep on top of updates for the apps, as each preview build will expire 60 days after it has been posted. An included Office for ...

Office 2016 for Mac gets first public preview

2015年3月5日 — Every new preview build will expire roughly 60 days after it's posted. The final preview build will continue to function for roughly a month ...

Office 2016 for Mac Preview

2015年8月10日 — Originally, we planned to let the Office for Mac preview expire on August 9, 2015, 30 days after launch. However, several customers commented ...

Office for Mac 2016 Preview Build Released

2015年3月6日 — Each build of the Office for Mac 2016 Preview will expire around 60 days after it is posted. The final preview build will continue to ...

Office for Mac 2016 Preview: This letter will self

2015年3月5日 — Microsoft said that the preview will expire in 60 days, and once the official release is launched – expected to be in the second half of ...

Why does my Microsoft Office 2016 say it is expired ...

2018年4月2日 — Microsoft 365 (formerly known as Office 365) comes with a 1 month or 1-year subscription and will expire by the end of the month or a year as ...

Will Office 2016 Mac standalone version be available ...

2015年8月17日 — Basically, I can't use Office 2016 for Mac preview, it seems to have expired even though you extended the preview to early October.. Any ...

Your Top 10 Questions about Office 2016 for Mac Answered

2023年8月3日 — Originally, we planned to let the Office for Mac preview expire on August 9, 2015, 30 days after launch. However, several customers ...